Clip Zip playlists question!

I use playlists almost exclusively for my various activities. When my fuze battery died I ordered this CLIP Zip and received it 2 days ago. As reported by numerous other users, the playlist method of organizing music does not work. I’m using the same WMP method i did with my old fuze, but only the songs are sync’ed, NOT the playlist they are supposed to be in.

I’ve tried firmware 18 and back to 12 but no dice with either one.

Is it too difficult for sansa to provide the same interface with WMP as they already did with the old fuze ?  How about at least an acknowlegement by the company that they know this is a problem and when they expect the firmware to provide a solution ?

This device is useless to me without playlists. I’m getting ready to send this back and flame it on every comment site i can find. The price difference between this and a Nano has already been overshadowed by the hours of time and aggravation this has caused me.

Hello Sansa, are you there ?