cannot authorize clipzip with rhapsody premier

Looking at the device report, the Clip is identified as CLIPZ and has a drive letter assigned. This conforms that the device was in MSC mode.  In order to transfer Rhapsody subscription tracks, the device must be in MTP mode.

MTP mode is supported by Windows Media Player 10 and later, running in the background. It allows access to the Sansa as a portable media device rather than as a simple flash drive. It also allows the computer to access the secure ID of the player, to authorize your media.

On the device, select MTP mode for subscription media, like Rhapsody. Go to Settings ? System Settings > USB Mode > MTP.

To verify that the device is recognized properly, simply plug in, and see how the Sansa is listed in Windows Explorer or “My Computer”. If it is listed in caps and smalls, as Sansa Clip 8GB for example, you’re in MTP. If it lists all in capital letters, as the Clip Zip did above, as E: SANSA CLIPZ for example, the device is in MSC mode.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy: