Sansa Clip and Audio Books (3 Problems)

Great information thanks to all.  The chapter mode tip was crucial - I was about to call support, and we all know how that was likely to go.  I should not assume though.

On the long vs short tracks:

I like shorter tracks so that I can quickly skip through a bunch rather than having to hold the button down.  To some degree, this is because on my old Philips Aria player, it would get lost sometimes.  I also do books for my wife’s Android phone.

I use an open source program called mp3splt  - it has a gui version as well as a command line version.

I put all the original tracks into mp3splt and break them into 5 minute segments.  It autonumbers the filenames by appending digits with leading zeroes to the name.  I then use mp3tag to copy the filenames to the title tag.

I do use mp3tag to (re)number all the tracks from 1 to n, and it has a check box to auto add leading zeroes as needed.  I normally set the album tag to be the name of the book, without numbering disks, so all tracks have the same album.  Hopefully that will not be a problem, but it is easy enough to leave it blank too.