Playlists for dummies: taming the sansa clip

Connect the MP3 player with the USB connector
Go to My Computer and open Sansa Clip folder
Go to the Music Folder
In the Music Folder, right click and make a New Folder and name it.
Copy and paste all the songs you want to be in a playlist into the New Folder.

Right click the New Folder with the songs you just dropped in and click on Make Playlist  <— I do not have that option, any reason why??  I’d LOVE it if this worked!!

However, I was reading another post and the same thing is worded differently and it worked.

The above instructions should read:

Go into the new folder you created, highlight all the songs in the folder, then right click and select “make playlist”

Name the Playlist
Disconnect the MP3 player

But it’s still not working for me.  I’m getting closer though.  I have a playlist folder on my sansa now and I even have a playlist.wpl file in the playlist folder.  I can see it via explorer but once I unplug the device, I see nothing :cry:

Well, I still see the playlist folder on the device but nothing’s in it, just the golist. 

Message Edited by billy on 04-30-2009 06:46 AM

Message Edited by billy on 04-30-2009 06:55 AM