Broken clip on Sansa Clip+

i had sheared the clip off my clip zip a few months ago and went online to get ideas how to fix it. here’s the solution i came up with…

i ordered a simple money clip from amazon for ~$5…

i dremel’ed off the excess plastic on the back so it was a flat surface and then super-glued the money clip to the back. the shape of this particular clip fits perfect as the little “lip” part wraps under the bottom edge giving extra support. i also “spread” the clip a little before gluing on to make it less tight when slipping it over things like the edge of your waistband…

i also ordered this aftermarket rubber jacket for the clip…

which covers up the glue mess and makes it barely noticeable as a hack…

…hope this helps someone out there that has run into this problem. it’s a great little mp3 player and i use it more than any other device.