File names after transfer

I had similar issue has you after my holidays, so did prepared a MsDOS script to change filename by including date inside.

You can do the same:

1/ Create a text file named “rename.bat”

2/ Copy the following inside.

@echo off

IF “%1”==“” GOTO End

set Origin=%1

set src=.\Source
set dst=.\Dest

setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

for %%F in (%src%*.*) do (
set “MDate=%%~tF”
set “ParsedDate=!MDate:~6,4!-!MDate:~3,2!-!MDate:~0,2!-!MDate:~11,2!-!MDate:~14,2!”
copy %%F %dst%\IMG_!ParsedDate!-!Origin!%%~xF )


echo “Need to specify postfix, ex : iPhone”


Usage :

  • Create a “Source” folder and copy your photos inside

  • Create an empty folder “Dest”

Run command line in Windows : start menu, type “CMD”

Go to your parent folder of “Sources” and “Dest” using CD command (CD …, CD <folder name>)

Type:  rename.bat <postfix>, where <postfix> if postfix you which to use for all your files (usefull if you have several devices)


Files will have the following format : IMG_YYYY-MM-DD-HH-MM-<postfix>

ex : IMG_2017-08-14-07-44-iPhone

Hope this help !