SDK for third-party developers to access iXpand storage?

I think I need to contact support today - my problems are many.

All I want to do is put my complete music library on the iXpand and access the music. It would be nice if the album artwork that imusic has no problem with would also show up.

But the app can’t seem to digest the amount of music you can put on a 128G iXpand. It drains the battery of my IOS and never finishes. There are a variey of problems with album artwork.

The whole thing seems poorly thought out. It’s like SanDisk didn’t even try to fill their device with music and see how the app works. Sigh. I’m hoping that someone that actually knows how to develop software will use there third-party progams and make the iXpand actually usefull for storing music libraries that use the capacity of the device.