"Setup was unable create a new system partition" error installing Win7

Thanks dude. I’ll try viewing it in Windows tomorrow on the old working drive’s installed copy of Win7 and see what it does. I never thought of that.

The copy of the installer I’m using is of Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 straight from an MSDN account (although burned to a nice cheap DVD), so I figured it was up to date driver-wise.

AHCI-wise, it didn’t work before I even switched the BIOS into “use AHCI mode” so I don’t know about that. It just hasn’t worked no matter what configuration I’ve used. Same error every time.

I’m semi-tempted to try a Linux install too - see if it works. I don’t know diddly-squat about Linux though. I guess it’s not even a conclusive test - I mean, I really need Windws 7 on this machine.

* Does it sound like a MB problem?

* Would creating a USB-bootable version of Windows 7 help?

I’m just very sick of waiting 10-15mins for the Windows 7 setup to get itself in gear every time. And the more sick I get, the more tempted I am to send the drive back. But if it’s something daft like the Windows Installer then I can look at different options. I don’t want to replace a perfectly good drive for no reason.