SDPA3AD-016G cannot be recognised at all is there any way to do this?

The short form is I don’t think so. OEM ssd seem to the “red-headed stepchild” that no one wants to acknowledge- the ssd supplier says “talk to the pc company”, while the pc company says “huhh?”.

I have the similar Sandisk SDPA1AA-016G ZIF ssd (it looked perfect for a project) & I’ve only gotten it to work in a ZIF/usb adapter. For most drives I use in the adapter, both ZIF connectors face each other & I use a ZIF cable with contacts that face down towards the circuit boards- I can see both conn. This Sandisk needs a “ZIF flip cable” - contacts are up on one end and & down on the other. It still goes contacts-side towards the circuit boards, so the ssd ends up “flipped over” (ie, you can only see the ZIF conn on the adapter, not on the drive). So in order to use this drive in any pc besides the original (Dell?), I need to find/make a ZIF “flip-extension” cable- which doesn’t exist.

If your pc has a proprietary hdd cable to your ZIF drive, then you’re likely outta luck. If it use a ZIF conn on the mobo, then you could try a ZIF flip cable.