Deleting from Clip Sport with iMac

I occasionally use my Mac Mini (OSX v10) to manage the music on my Clip Sport.  It is possible to delete individual files and subfolders using Finder.   Before I use the “Eject” command, I always delete all the files in the “Trash” (bottom right icon in the Dock).  If I do not empty the Trash, the files are marked for deletion but not actually deleted from the FAT directory.

Another problem using OSX to manage my Clip Sport is the creation of “._”  (dot underscore) files for every folder and mp3 file I copy to my Clip Sport and to my micro SD card. (These files  are not readily visible using a Mac, but obvious using a PC.)


   See this link for more information about “._” files.

   See this link for the software I use on my Mac Mini to delete the “._” files after each file management session.