Clip Sport Songs Order & Album Mix-ups

I’m a new owner of a Clip Sport player.  I used EasyTag to set the ID3 tags for the files in a folder.  I force-wrote changes to ensure that the tags were rewritten.  I deleted the MUSIC.LIB file, hoping that it would be regenerated using the tags.  Even with that, the files in the album view are in alphabetical order by the song name, ignoring the number that preceeds the song name on the file, and apparently, the number in the ID3 tag.  This songs in this folder are ogg files, BTW.

In the folder view, as well, the order is unexpected.  In the folder I mentioned above, the order is 16*, 02*. 04*. 03*, 05*, 06* (the * indicates the rest of the file name).

In my experience, I am unable to influence the order of the files.  I bought the device knowing some people had trouble with song order, but had read (I thought) that the folder view was conventional and I could live with that.

Hoping I could write a program to “touch” the files in the correct order, I looked at file modified, accessed, and changed dates, but none of them predict the file order.

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