Why is this so badly designed for audiobooks?

Thank you!  It helps to know that there’s a reason.

I’m still hoping that someone will recognize the large potential audiobook market out there.  As annoying as the slow processing is on the Jam, the device might be tolerable if the buttons weren’t so badly designed (couldn’t they at least have kept the outside of the Clip+?), and if there was a way to make the screen scroll faster so that we were actually allowed to see the entire book title before it blanks out again.

Strangely enough, the feature that I was most bothered by initially is now my favorite feature on the Jam.  If the forward or back button gets pushed without being held down long enough, it jumps to a new book.  What I like is not being thrown into a new book, it’s being able to go back to exactly where I was.  Finally, no instant destruction if forward or rewind doesn’t work the first time (although I would still prefer that it simply work easily, without a lot of effort)!  

With the Clip/Clip+/Clip Zip, if I accidentally jumped to a new chapter, there was no way to get back to the old place.  The Jam’s weird hopping into a different book at least allows me to hop back again, so that there’s no permanent damage.