16GB Extreme 111 Card will not read on my computer and causes errors in my camera

I have same issue but with Canon EOS 20D and so took my card to data recovery experts for evaluation , they said it was corrupted (which i knew after trying data search with sandisk program and using both Windows & and Mac OSX to try and read from the card reader and from the camera output jack ) They recovered data and re-built my photo files and the card is dead , cannot be formatted even…I have 2 other CF cards with the same problem from 2 Canon cameras , one not that old…

The reader seems to be the problem , unless i got 3 “bad” CF crds…

The data recovery experts are not that cheap , it was  AUS $200 for my easy recovery, full chip removal from the card and extra work however,would have been $600+ and no guarantee that any data would be recovered…

When i picked up my data disc and paid , they had a customer who had scanned images from her camera to a PC then onto a 256GB usb stick for “safe keeping” which had failed and had lost all the data . They expected that ony some of the data would be retrieved , the bigger the capacity the harder to recover it all…

It is recomended that you back up twice , back up once more and keep that off-site AND back up to the cloud…like google cloud storage or some other photo hosting site on-line…

One thing NOT TO DO is try and get that data off the card , just take it to an expert as you can desroy what they may be able to salvage with proper software and a lot of time to reconstuct your files virtually with those programs…

I think a business doing this sort of recovery will do very well in future as so many put their faith in new technology…

Our best bet is not to…

Good luck , let us know how you fare?
