Forum Migration Please Read

We are excited to let our community members know that we are working on providing a new and improved experience of SanDisk Forums. Our new platform offers various new features and functionalities and exciting tools for our users to participate in various new ways. In the process of migration we will also be consolidating our products support forums to give our members opportunity to participate in ALL SanDisk product forums. Please stay tuned for updates and if you have any questions; we have extensive FAQs put together below. Also, as always, send us an email at:

Please read the FAQs below for more information on whatis happening.

Will the new forum look different from the existing forums? Will the features be the same?

The look and feel of the new forum will change, in addition the board layout and available boards will also be updated.

Why are you migrating to a new forum platform?

We will be upgrading our current platform to support new features. We will also be consolidating all of our forums into one SanDisk forum for a streamlined user experience.

Will I have to create a new forum account after the migration?

Members of the current Sansa Community will not need to create a new account. Members of the Current SanDisk Community will need to register a new account at

Will all of the existing discussion posts and comments be migrated to the new forum platform?

All posts and comments for members of the current Sansa Community will be migrated. Some of these posts will be archived and only available through the search function

No post count or comments will be migrated for users of the current SanDisk community. These users will need to register a new account at

Will the migration impact the forum search tools?

Most all data from the Sansa community will be migrated to the relevant board however some data will be archived. The archived data will still be accessible through the search function however these posts will be locked as read only.

Data from the SanDisk community will be archived as locked read only threads and will be accessible through the search function

How do I give feedback on the new Forum?

Please use the Site Feedback section of the Forum to provide us with your feedback. While we may not respond directly to the comments, they will be read. Your views and opinions are important to us. 

Message Edited by slotmonsta on 07-13-2010 10:54 AM