Problem with playlists ( M3U, M3U8's)

Bueller? Anyone?

Okay, to simplify things as much as possible, I created a simple playlist the contents of which are:

#EXTM3U #EXTINF:,Block Rockin Beats Chemical Brothers-Block Rockin Beats.MP3 #EXTINF:,Block Rockin Beats 1 1\Chemical Brothers-Block Rockin Beats 1.MP3 #EXTINF:,Block Rockin Beats 2 1\2\Chemical Brothers-Block Rockin Beats 2.MP3

When I go to the playlist within the player’s interface, the only song listed is the first one, which is in the same directory as the m3u file. I’ve run restore and format and re-copied all of my songs, and the problem still exists.

If I add songs to the “Music Go List”, from within the Fuze+'s interface, songs within subfolders show up just fine. Unfortunately, the Music Go List file in the Playlists folder contains nothing in it, so this playlist must be maintained somewhere else on the player, so I can’t determine how it lists songs in subfolders.

Are there any users that have been successful in creating their own playlists and have songs within subfolders show up?