my 16 gb san disk pan drive become write protected

Links to file sharing sites removed.
Forum Admin

Disculpe, Sr. Administrador.

Por favor, no se enoje conmigo:

“Links to file sharing sites removed” , es “mi carpeta personal”, no comercial, free, para mis amigos y para ayudar a la comunidad.

NO ES UN SITIO , es un simple servidor/carpeta, que contiene el fruto de mi trabajo de años, en portabilización de programas, con VMware, winRar, etc.

Como se me borraron, casi todos los programas, porque duran sólo unos meses, ya que es un servidor gratuito sin redundancia, tuve que poner el link directo a la carpeta, porque los enlaces a cada archivo, cambian al resubirlos, etc.

Entonces, dos preguntas:

1.  Puedo poner los archivos, con sus links individuales, ¿o tampoco?

2 . Me puede borrar, por favor el mensaje (y éste), para que no quede tan feo, con la edición?

Si cometí un error, fue sólo por querer facilitar, el acceso a aplicaciones, a usuarios inexpertos, para que no caigan en las trampas de lnternet.

Saludos, Alfred.

Links to file sharing sites removed.
Forum Admin

Excuse me, Mr. Administrator.

Please do not be angry with me:

“Links to file sharing sites was removed”, is “my personal folder”, not commercial and free, for my friends and to help the community.

NOT IS A SITE, is a simple server / folder, which contains the fruit of my work for years, in portabilización programs with VMware, winRar, etc.

As they were me erased, almost all programs, that last only a few months, because it is a free server without redundancy, I had to put the direct link to the folder, because the links to each file, change to resubirlos, etc.

Then, two questions:

1.  I can put the files with their individual links, or not?

2.  You can delete, please message (and this), for that not is so ugly, with editing?

If I made a mistake, it was only for wanting facilitate access to applications, to users inexperienced , lest they fall into the traps of lnternet.

Regards, Alfred.                         (Google translated)


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                                               *   1° cumpleaños: 27-11-2014, 432 post, 17 solucionados, 6 kudos    *
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My first Kudo, went to the 20 messages in this, the first Forum in which I participated (and without being Anglophone).

Thanks, SanDisk.