New SansaFuze user - cannot play ALL songs

Totally agree with the frustration of many users of this thing.  Up front I will agree that the sound quality is excellent but the frustrations dealing with the user interface outweigh the value of sound quality.  I have had the Fuze+ for about a month and, call me stupid if you like, I am still struggling with getting it to do what I want. As said by many, the funtions are very non-intuitive.  I have made some progress but still have not been able to crack the song list repetition problem.  Unlike what is described in previous posts, there is no “shuffle all” choice in the Fuze+ music menu…  There is “shuffle” which I have selected.  There is also “repeat” which I have set to “off”.  Yet the short song list replay continues.  (seems more like 5 or 6 songs rather than the 10 stated above).  I have recently downloaded the latest firmware so I do not think that is the problem.  

I can break free of the repeats if I get back to the song menu and scroll down to another spot–not a big problem if I am sitting at home but I mostly play this thing while driving.  Picking it up to funble for the right menus is like texting.  I tell me friends that if I die behind the wheel they will know why.  

Gotta believe the posters who praise the controls on the Fuze+ are SanDisk employee. 

I was commissioned to set up a sound system for a local restaurant.  The user is not computer saavy, although he does have an iPhone.  I chose not to set him up with an iPod because I would be charged with adding songs to it, which means I would have to plug it into one of my computers, thereby causing MY OWN songs to become null/void, etc.

So I purchased this Fuze player;  expecting it to be a simple plug and play device.  Plug it into my computer, drag songs to it, unplug it and bring it to the restaurant.   WRONG!  I have to first wrestle with it to get it installed and update Windows Media Player and/or install Winamp… THEN wrestle with a completely UN-intuitive device that seems to work opposite all logic.

I would think the manufacturers development team are apparently from Afghanistan… I mean… IDK, I just don’t understand how Apple can make such a simple product and Microsoft platform developers would rather have their buyers run head first into walls to accomplish simple tasks.

Garbage is right.  Oh Yes… I DID get it to work… But did you notice I’m writing this at 5am on a Sunday Morning?  Yeah, I started screwing with this thing at 11pm Saturday night.  I won’t be getting paid for all this wasted time.  No one would ever believe it took me 6 hours to figure out a mp3 player.

@avp0713 wrote:


I have to first wrestle with it to get it installed and update Windows Media Player and/or install Winamp… THEN wrestle with a completely UN-intuitive device that seems to work opposite all logic.

For what it’s worth, you don’t need WMP, Winamp, iTunes or any muisc managing program to transfer songs to any Sansa player.  You know how to drag & drop (copy & paste) files, right? You can do the same here. No wrestling required.

I have to scroll all the way to the top of all songs to get to play shuffle, very irritating and time consuming.  Is there an easier way?  I love it other wise…