After-market charger? Necessary voltage/amps/etc.? This one okay to use?

I have two chargers with the values listed below. Is it safe to use either of these to charge a ClipZip? (or a Clip+ or a Fuze for that matter?)

CHARGER  A)    INPUT: 110-250VAC 0.15A 50/60Hz OUTPUT: 5V 500mA

CHARGER  B)    INPUT: AC 100-250V~50/60Hz OUTPUT: DC 5.0 + over - 5%  MAX: 600mA  MIN:150mA

Thank you.

Any USB charger will work.

Thank you! :smiley:

Hmm… I used Charger A) (see previous post) and although it seems to charge the device, I have been having problems with my clipzip after using this charger.

My clipzip is now unable to read micro sd cards and freezes on the “refreshing your media” screen.

I hope my player has not been damaged…

The type of charger would have nothing to do with the problem you are experiencing.